Update #4 is here! New mechanics, sounds, and UI Changes!

This update is aimed to give more player-feedback on what is happening on the screen. I also wanted to address that just spamming the button was a viable strategy. If you miss, the bar is now disabled for 1 second.

Functional changes:

  • Enemy attacks now shake the bar. 
    • Light attacks (-5hp) have a smaller shake
    • Heavy attacks (-10hp) have a larger shake
  • Enemy Attack Sounds added
    • In addition to the shake, light and heavy attacks also have unique sounds
  • Player Ability sounds added
    • Both attack and heal now have their own unique sound effects
  • Changes to HP are now shown for a short period
    • When a player receives an enemy attack, a red value appears next to the Player HP
    • When a player heals, a green value appears next to the Player HP
    • When a player attacks, a red value appears next to Enemy HP


This is the first update where this is started to feel like an actual game! It's still not particularly fun, but the changes are definitely a step in a the right direction. However, while I do think these are valuable changes, they aren't perfect. 

Currently, my primary concern is the amount of things happening on the screen at any given time. The game is meant to be fast paced, so it's inevitable that there is going to be a lot happening. However I fear with the labels and sounds that it's a bit TOO stimulating.  I'm looking to validate this, so if you agree or disagree please comment below. If you agree and have any thoughts on how to remedy this, I would love to hear them!

Thank you for the feedback so far!


v0.0.004.zip Play in browser
3 days ago

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